Kelsey Erin Palmer — Ayer, Massachusetts

Kelsey erin palmer came into my home, took naked pictures spreading her nasty crab infested ****** on MY BED! I found the pictures, even though she denied them! wish i still had the copies to upload here! She’s also a backpage superstar! She’s been selling her body off the the “massage section” since 2013! She’s a karate queen too, who threatens to scizzor slice any wife’s throat when you find out she’s is sleeping with your man! ? love how she turns into the victim! So she first claims to not b3 sleeping with your the significant other but then, just when you hurt her feelings, the truth comes out! At that moment she no longer feels any shame, she feels wanted, and special that she is kept a secret of your mans! Txt messages to show how much of a jewel she really is! She claims to not be a ho, but yet when I messaged her about my man she mentioned 3 other guys names too!! ?? she couldn’t figure out who’s wife I was?! To top it off, she has a boyfriend too! Yet she is still so worried about sleeping with other people’s men! She loves to sleep with black men on the side, with her family being late slave owners she has to keep all African Americans off her Facebook but as soon as her boyfriend goes to work, she’s in the next black guys bed!

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