Kelly Wayman — Pennsylvania

Kelly knowingly went a married man while she herself is still married. She came to me with a sob story saying she did not know he was married, when she did infact know and did not care. She tried to get him to leave me and take my children away. She is married herself doesn’t work nor have her own children with her. She is and was in multiple relationships while she was trying to get my husband to leave me. She plays games with the spouses and girlfriends of the men she sleeps with. She is a mentally ill person that needs help. She continues to play with peoples emotions. She is nothing more than a text book narcissist. She will tell all of these men that she has been a victim of rape or has been physically abused. She kept after my husband for a eight months and when he wouldn’t leave me for her she came crying to me while she was in a relationship with a new guy. It’s truly a sickening the games she plays with the spouses/gf of the men. No this does not discredit what my idiot ex husband has done. She needs to be stopped and I hope this will help other women and men to be spared from her chaos.

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