Kelly Lyn Anderson — Scottsdale, Arizona

Kelly Lyn Anderson is a very busy lady! Between jotting back and forth between Phoenix and Hawaii as a paid floozy – it looks like she has not managed to get pregnant…. by whom could it be…. Don Dokken….. Mark Gus Scott…..Javier Baez…. Steve DeCanay from Buckcherry….. Wilson Contreras….or wait did Brian Urlacher make an appearance again….. this girl seriously needs an intervention for her mental health and stability. This girl is bat **** crazy bottom line. She needs some therapy and a lot of it! I feel bad for the baby who has to be subjected to terribly inflated silicone duck lips, the potential Daddy, and all her friends who think she is actually stable and sane. I guess the world of being a floozy has its perks! You go, girl!

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