Kelly Beale Bennett — Stoughton, Wisconsin

Please look this woman up on other mentions on this site. She has changed her Facebook name to “KB Bennett” in order to avoid being found after being read about on here. She pretended to be my friend so that she could drug and rape me with her husband. She let her husband sodomize me while I was drugged against my will. I lost consciousness and vomited. When I woke up 12 hours later, my underwear had blood in them. She is a predator. Stay far, far away from her. De she has been under federal investigation for over a year now. She will likely be arrested before the summer- and so will her husband, Mr. Michael Y. Bennett (professor at UW Whitewater). Look her up on this site from desktop. Go to the search bar and type in “Kelly Beale Bennett.” If you were drugged and raped by her and her husband like I was, report it to the FBI. They have an open case already.

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