Kellen Weaver — Shelton, Washington

Where to even begin. This sick, overweight worthless waste of space is an abusive, controlling, manipulative liar. He uses his brain disorder as an excuse to physically assault my best friend on mothers day, smashed her face into a wall, and broke the back window out on her SUV. He has stolen all her money to the point she hides her wallet so he cant get to it. He steals all of the food she buys for her and her children. He sends money to prostitutes online and then meets up with them in person after stealing all of her condoms. She miscarried twins 2 years ago and while she was in her bed losing her babies he was out at the bar sleeping with whoever is willing to touch him. He has raped her several times. He has stolen and broken her belongings whenever she tries to leave. He would steal her keys to prevent her from leaving all the while he was out sleeping with wh**es on his phone. He made her and her kids homeless. He’s sleeping in a trailer with his mother who has a no contact order in place against him. He lies and manipulates her and anyone else in his life to get his way. If he doesn’t he will destroy anyone and anything. He is a worthless piece of sh*t.

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