Keely Marie Pearson — Kelowna, Canada

Hey DE, it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the definition of Kelowna’s finest, Keely Marie Pearson. If you are looking to get your **** suked at an amazing price then step right up fellas, because this one will do it for a hit off the ol’crack pipe, a mear cap of GHB or pretty much anything to get her fix. She needs to wear a pound of make up to try and cover up the fact she looks like a little boy, and show off he saggy mom **** to get any attention, Unfortunely this low life has brought a child into this world, who her baby daddy is raising. She is too busy looking for the next hit to be an actual mom and when she does have her sweet little boy she is locking herself in the bathroom trying constructing homemade crack pipes. This girl is sickening, you can smell her ***** from the other side of the room. Keely will do just about anything to get money to feed her addictions; caming, floozy, coning, collecting welfare/child tax and the list goes on. She spends most of her time suking her 40 year old girlfriends ***** because no one else can stand be around her for too long. When this chick is high she is completely obnoxious and has extreme psychotic tenancies so WATCH OUT!

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