Keaton Dillman — Indiana

Keaton dillman age 22 now probably 23 had a long affair with my wife and mother of 3 children while working at dominos pizza in Clarksville Indiana. He manipulated her into lying and Betraying her family for a long time before completely lying his way into the military. After he left, the guilt from the affair almost killed my wife. She confessed everything to me in tears. My wife has done so much and is continuing to do so much to make up for her affair but this scumbag is still out there and I don’t want anymore families to suffer because of this moral less kid. My wife and I and our children have suffered emmensely because of this kid.He’s much younger than my wife but that didnt stop him. He’s not even a man yet but he’s surely old enough to know better. If your wife is friends with this guy get involved! Don’t just sit around and hope for the best because he will lend an ear when she needs it and minipulate her opinions it’s all part of his game. If your a woman and you are involved with this kid, run for the hills. He has cheated on his relationships as well as cheated with others spouses. Don’t trust this guy at all.

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