Kaylyn Buckelew and Paul John Miller jr. — Louisiana

This is kaylyn buckelew and Paul John miller jr. He cheated on his wife that just had a child die kaylyn knew about it and the wife and still went after him. He loves them fresh out of high school. He has a son he never sees or helps out with. He’s nothing but a lying cheating piece of s***. He’s a mommas boy you will never be able to get him off her ****. He is a Narcissist to the fullest will hook you the cheat and lie to you. He is nothing but a wanna be he act like whoever he is hanging out with which by the way you can’t find friends your own age? You look like a child rapist hanging out with children when you are almost 30. Now her story she likes them married and older so ladies watch your husband. She’s nothing but a fat home wrecking w****. She knew about the wife and the child that just died and that stupid girl still did it. They both are some cold hearted I can’t even call them a human being. Like who does that to someone? I know a home wreaking w**** and a loser piece of s*** father.

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