Kayla Renee Thomas-Monhollen — Williamsburg, Kentucky

I used to be friends with this girl. She is buck wild, but I kinda liked that about her. She was entertaining to listen to. Her favorite drug is anything she can get her hands on, and she is CONSTANTLY in a fist fight. She also loves attention, of ANY kind, especially from men who are taken, and has even driven a man to suicide by doing her guilt trip thing after they ended the relationship. I would sit and listen to her talk about cheating on her boyfriends with 2 and 3 different men a month, and laugh over the drama it caused with her. I felt awful for the men in her life, but they kept coming back so I just laughed it off. I thought that since I was her friend, I could trust her with my (ex) boyfriend. WRONG. They worked together. One day, he came home 2 hours late. He admitted that he was with her, but said that they were just smoking weed. I didnt smoke, so I just accepted that it was something he wanted in his life and didnt question his story. A few months later, I start having horrible ovarian and leg pain. The culprit? Chlamydia. I knew where it had come from right then, we had both been tested at the beginning of the relationship, so I knew he had cheated that day. I never confronted her. I knew it wouldnt do any good. She already knew she had a few different things, and just never cared enough to treat it. I was lucky that Chlamydia was all she had passed to me. She really is a sweet girl at the surface. I want to help her, but I’d just end up beating her scrawny **** for betraying my trust like that. I hope someone more level headed than myself can talk her in to getting the help she needs.

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