Kayla Motley-McDaniel — Spruce Pine, North Carolina

This dirty std invested cant tried to f*ck my friends cousin while she was not home. She also tried to f*ck my husband 1week after we separated. She is a compulsive liar and will say what ever it takes to still married womens husbands. She has fu**ed several boyfriends of mine over the last 7 years. She tells so many lies and never owns up to them even when she is called out. She lives in spruce pines and is cheating on her fiance with anyone she can. She grabbed my friends husbands sick when she would take him to work. She also goes around and makes up lies about people to ruin there relationship with there man to cover her tracks. She going around town telling people I f*cked some dude and people are calling me a wh*re now because she trying to take the heat off her. I have a man and that’s my husband and don’t need a **** like her ******** things up. She will not tell u she has a man and will **** anything with a **** to get what ever drugs she can. If you see her run for the hills because she will ruin ur life the moment she opens her mouth.

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