Kayla Gaigneur — Edmonton, Canada

This passed-around ***** right here has two kids but too busy blowing Pepsi up her **** nose cant even take care of them. She bounces from house to house and thinks she tough **** but really it’s her raging bi-polar drug-addicted mentality. De Her parents are both addicted to opioid drugs as is she and will do anything to get it. Unfortunately, we slept together and I got the gift that keeps on giving she ruined me. life. men don’t go near here Her son even hates her he’s 15 and he off doing drugs just like his drug-addicted mother. Has a little girl and In less than a year had four men living with her. Now lives with her drug-addicted parents. She will fuxking physically abuse you then cry about her problems ro anyone that will listen. Go take care and be a good example to your daughter you retarded ***. She will beg to live with you all because she blew her money on Pepsi. Has been red-flagged from the health care for double doctoring.

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