Kayeloni Lagrone — Atlanta, Georgia

Women of Atlanta, beware of this super sloot who can’t keep a job, choose a career and loves to sleep with taken men especially, married men. This “woman” sleeps around with any and everybody. She starves for attention by posting half naked photos about how she wants to “grow an ***″ and even post the men she know’s are either married or in a relationship. When she post them and gets caught, she will then delete it and say,” No face, no case”. This chick has gone from trying to be a realtor (but couldn’t sell a house if her life depended on it), to now starting a makeup line (that’s failing as well). She also uses so many filters so that she can trick people into thinking she looks a certain way when in reality, she looks absolutely nothing like the photo she posts.It seems as if the only thing this girl can succeed at is sleeping with men who are already in relationships. De she **** **** to pay her rent AND couldn’t even graduate from that raggedy college she said she graduated from. A month or two ago, she was confronted by a woman who found out she was sleeping with her boyfriend & gave her boyfriend an DRD.. instead of admitting to everything, she chose to flee the state and go running home to her parents so that she could let the situation die down; 4 months later, she’s back in Atlanta up to her same ole whorish ways. Ladies, beware of this woman. She will *** and suk anything to make a quick buck and give your man an DRD while doing it.

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