Kati Gosewisch Aka Kati Gann — Tucson, Arizona

So this little woman is my boyfriend’s ex from so many years ago – we’ve been together for 5. While I completely trust him and her attempts at being a homewrecker keep failing; she sure is trying. She has contacted him to tell him she was a fool for cheating and leaving him; she has stalked me at work the Superior Court and took a picture of me- she was able to pick me out of a crowd when she’s never even met me and is not my friend even on FB – so this little ***** must have really studied my profile pictures before looking for me, then didn’t even have the ***** to say anything – and I mean clearly she is not a looker since I must have looked right past her as a non-threat to my appearance or confidence, but never the less; she also sent him items from there past with goodbye forever letter with items from there past – I guess to reminisce. and now she’s back again – trying to reconnect. These little tramps are the worst in my opinion. It’s not like they want your man or your happiness they just need to try and win – like am I think I’m better than you and I need to prove that to myself because I’m a little ***** with low self-esteem.

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