Kathy Morrow — Middlesboro, Kentucky

This woman is so ugly it shocked us all… she apparently met my husband online and started a relationship while I was working taking care of a newborn. My husband started a fight one night (projecting) accusing me of talking to other men online. He was later arrested that night for assault after he called police himself after he hit me to tell them I was the one out of control all while he was drunk. Needless to say he went to jail. I went to my mothers for things to cool off I just wanted him to get help. I was gone 5 days with nothing but the baby’s diaper bag and the clothes on my back and he moved her in. She preceded to pack up all of our personal belongings and stop them off on front lawn of the rental hose I had to rent. He always said he just moved her in to pay the bills and called her his house”cleaner”. He is a narcissist and uses people but she thinks he has chose her above his own family not realizing she means nothing!!!! She’s a paycheck to him. Yet she is trying to get him to sign his parental rights away to his 7month old. Sick *****! What kind of woman moves in another woman’s house before she’s moved out???? Well this kind! She’s old and desperate and he’s showed her little attention she’s craved and destroyed his baby’s life. All while portraying herself as a *** fearing woman! Ladies beware of whores like this! Just gonna sit back and watch her life go to ****. Because she will be manipulated into thinking she’s the most important thing to him and he will use her for all she can do for her and be in to the next one. He’s so disgusted by her looks he has said but has to make the payments lol!

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