Kathleen Castillo — Belen, New Mexico

This isn’t gossip this is fact. This is a woman who tried sleeping her way to the top in the Arizona state House of Representatives but her drug problems & the fact she was sleeping with every low life married guy she could screwed up that plan then she went & became a prostitute. She married a man she met while selling her *** & he was dumb enough to think she was a good person who was just in a bad situation when the truth is she was sleeping around on him from the minute they met while her family lied to & stole from that man until he was all but destroyed. She accused that man of everything a woman could & put her daughter up to accusing him of things that never happened, drove him to drug use like herself but he eventually got the proof to show her for what she is. This **** was cheating on her second husband for at least a year with a guy named Patrick Castillo who was cheating on his wife at the same time, they got married after their divorces were finally done. Her 3rd husband shot & killed himself September20th of this year, this is the second man she’s pushed this far (too far). This is a family of women who will sleep with anyone married or not to better themselves financially & they’ve pushed more than one good man to suicide, get all you can take, leave them with nothing & move on, she’s a chip off the old block for sure & a lousy excuse for a mother as well. Be careful ladies she’ll be out hunting soon & a man wearing a wedding ring is her favorite catch as long as they’ve got something she can get, she’s got what her late husband’s kids deserve but she’s a greedy gold digging tramp who’s going to keep it all, you can count on that! These are people who sit in church asking *** to forgive them but fail to mention the homes they’ve wrecked & lives they’ve destroyed playing the ultimate victims, *** will show her & her thieving family for exactly who they really are. KARMA’S A ***** ISN’T IT? Good luck with this *****, you’ll be lucky to get out alive.

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