Kate Baglot — Grand Prairie, Canada

Hi, De my name is Kate Baglot, aka. Kate the *****, Baglot of **** and Baglot of blow. I’m a 25-year-old homewrecking welder *****. Watch your man. I’m selfish, conniving, shady, b1tchy, cranky, trashy, conceited, and think I’m ***’s gift to men. The only gift I’m giving is my lies and STDs. I *** men and woman. As long as I’m getting attention, I’ll spread my legs and open my meat curtains to anyone for a show. I live like a slvm and smell like rotten food. Must be my small cony fries up top and my flapping meat sub at the bottom. I claim to have all this money but I’m broke as *** supporting my drinking and drug habits because I can’t deal with life. I’m a Fuken lady but I walk, talk, and act like a man and look like a little boy. I do get prettied up but most times I need filters and even then I seem to look like Bruce Jenner. I am fake as ***! I talk a bigger game than I can play. (But I do enjoy getting fuked like a ***** and tied like one for fun) I give myself to anyone like a dog. Pet me and I’ll like it, baby. PS. I even ruined a beautiful family because I thought I was something special. Lesson learned don’t *** a man who has a wife, life, and kids. Show some class not ***!! Berta laid Pepsi and booze paid! PPS. Ontario girls do it best!

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