Kat Construction — Completely dissatisfied

Kat construction told me the roof and gutter guard job would be complete in 1 day. It took them 2 days to do the roof, which is understandable, but I had to follow up with my rep Andrew to inquire about the gutter guards not being done. After two weeks of following up, on 10/30, Andrew said “right now they don’t have a date just to let you know”. I told him it definitely needed to be done by the end of the year and that the heating coils needed to be put back up (as he promised) before we got more snow. I followed up again 11/4, Andrew said he would send another email. Followed up with Andrew again 11/9 and he said he would try to contact his scheduling team about this again and that he’s been trying to get us a date. Followed up again 11/10 and Andrew told me I was on the schedule for 11/13. Nobody showed up on 11/13 and I had to follow up again, Andrew said they were waiting until the following week when it was warmer out. A sub contractor finally came to do the gutter guards on 11/18. It took them all day because they said Kat incorrectly installed the shingles, and that they would need to come back to reshingle the entire bottom row, all the way around the house. I’m now concerned with the quality of the work because Kat will need to pull up some shingles to replace the bottom row. I later realized the sub contractor didn’t even install the gutter guards on the detached garage, and they will need to come back for that also. Additionally, I asked for open valleys – they are closed. They took down the heating coils and left them dangling on the side of the house – looks trashy. I’m completely dissatisfied with Kat construction and have lost faith that they will resolve this in a timely manner before the weather is too cold to complete the project.

Kat Construction
8833 79th St NW
Annandale, MN 55302-2405
(612) 326-1122

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