Kasondra Cohen-Herrendorf — Vancouver, Canada

Marcus Rambold & Kasondra Cohen-Herrendorf has no shame in the cheating game for gold-digging Marcus. This guy is one of the most low-life, disgusting and money-hungry people you will ever meet. He used to cheat on his girlfriend, then wife, now baby mama. All he wants is a paycheck and tells all the women that he is with that. He hates Jacqui and how he wants her out of the picture and how nobody likes her, even Kass and her grandma. He has been caught multiple times cheating and that is why the wedding was postponed from September until later the following year. He had to go to “rehab” to prove to kass that he was changed. de, All that was changed was when Kass kicked you out and you realized 100k was nothing and you couldn’t sustain your lavish lifestyle anymore without her. He would constantly pick fights with her so she would buy him lavish watches as I’m sorry don’t leave me a gift and how he literally could do anything and she doesn’t care because breaking up would look bad on her image and her family image…so he literally gets aways with anything. Even hitting on her friend in the washroom at her charity event. Her friend even told her that and she didn’t care. This girl is so blind that she took him back, but not before her mama Jacqui strongly warned her. You should have listened to your mama Kass. Your mom’s bf even caught him cheating on you…not to mention how he hooks up with the girls at your charity events. The guy had to borrow money from you to make your engagement ring. How pathetic is that?! He wouldn’t even pay 15k for the setting even after you gave him that giant rock that was your dad’s! You literally paid for your own ring. de, He could have at least paid for it out of the allowance you give him or stopped snorting all ya up his nose for a week and paid for it himself! Get your head out of the clouds and smarten up. Now that you have your baby girl with this guy he’s made it. That was his meal ticket. Everyone around you warned you not to do this.

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