Kasandra Reyes — Oxnard, California

Let’s just say that this she lied to ppl around and is a major homewrecker to her own family and to mine. Me and my husband was working on things and we have been togethere for a bit. One day he wasn’t texting me as much or comming arround as much. I picked up his phone one day and I seen he’s been talking to a girl on his phone and I asked him who was she. It took him a few hours to confess and it was Kassy. He had her on snapchat and on Facebook too. Not only to realize she also work at my job too. Then finding out my man wasn’t the only guy she’s messed with here. It’s more than a few guys and a girl and that girl had *** with Kassy in her vw when she didn’t think ppl was watching in daylight. One of the guys she has *** with had to buy her plan b. Cause she don’t believe in a condom. Well moving one the female which she don’t want to me names says she found out kassy was have *** with a few guys including her and her former boss ( he will not be named and they txt each other when And where they will hook up at.

I saw on a Tuesday he followed her like a lost puppy and touch her alot to wonder wats going on between them two.) and she has been to Kassy’s house and made a video of them having *** when the parents wasn’t in town ( they was in Mexico). She hooks up with random guys at concerts when her family isn’t arround. Her brother in law worked here in a different department he did his best to protect her and she got her family to believe he was a bad guy. She got caught in messing arround with other ppl here and including her boss at the same time. ( it was found in her phone from the girl she was with at the time) She talked to a red headed girl and made it seem like he was a screw up to her sister and to her family. Even tho she lied about it to her sister and cause more promblem for her sister and newborn son. She always took snapchats and pictures making it look like her sisters son was hers. While that drama was going on a week after that I saw Kassy’s brother talk to her brother in law at his job out side talking about kassy when I walked by. Her brother in law can handle his own from the word the goes around her and isn’t one person to **** off. The brother in law look ****** and ready to throw down ( he will not be named ) I bet her family don’t even kno how their daughter is but I hope her family reads this and understands she isn’t no angel in their eyes. She continued to whine and cry about her missing her sisters newborn like she has issues. She gets attached easily. Oxnard is pretty small and she still continues to be a hoe and tell ur men to get check if they have messed with this woman. Oh not to mention plan b is a part of her diet. U can’t miss her walk it’s like a guy walk. Ppl names r not said cause I don’t have a problem with them.

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