Karm-J Manhas — Hyprocrit Druggie Loser

This guy is a f*king loser who pretends he is all enlightented through crystals and yoga and wierd *** ****, but goes around talking **** about homeless with drug addictions. He proposed to his wife at a rave where everyone was high as f*k on drugs and is involved in drugs and throwing raves still. He is a priviledged a*shole who has friends who are/have been drug addicts but can’t see they haven’t been homeless because of theyre lucky background and rich families. He promotes drug use and posts left-wing ideas but is really a psyco right-winger who hates people with mental illnesses. He is a violent freak who no one should take classes from. How embarasing for his wife who seems peaceful and non-hateful, compared to this idiot who is clearly a bigoted peice of garbage.

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