Karla O’Brien / Aka Crystal Skyes — Calgary, Canada

There isn’t much gossip on this girl. It’s more of a public service warning . Karla is known around Calgary as being an unstable psycho . I though I would give her a chance and help her out . Guys you have to stay away from this sucubus. She will pretend to love you and be sweet, mean while she will be behind your back messaging every guy that shows her attention or money. And if she tells you her name is Crystal Skyes, that’s her floozing name!! She has some serious bipolar issues , and is a habitual cheater, she literally will have *** with anyone for some cash , her poor daughter . She then makes you feel like you are crazy when you start calling her on her ****. That you are “controlling” because you don’t want her to floozy lol or that you have “shadows “. Unfortunately I had to call child services on her for bringing “clients “ around her daughter . And when she does get a job, she always hooks up with the boss lol first Ted then Paul , who knows . Karla stop pretending to be this “spiritual healer “ and make getting your life on track a priority . Drugs and wine won’t fix your life , neither will the next guy. Guys don’t fall into her web of lies and financial ruin. Get up and run. Don’t let her pretty face trick you, she is incapable of love and uses everyone around her , even her own mother !!! I hope child services saves her poor daughter from that floozing hotel she lives in.

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