Karl Hickey — Kingston, Canada

I’ve been with him over and over for three years. He’s the most disrespectful person. He thinks women are objects and slaves and are here for his entertainment. We are all ****** to him. He molested me in my sleep. He has choked me to make me pass put he has thrown hot coffee at me. De he made me lose my apartment then asked me to get one with him ya right. He is a homeless *** who goes from one woman to the next. Pretends to love them but he just uses them. He will make u think you the only one and he is desperate to marry someone he doesn’t care who to get money from his mother. Don’t worry he said he would divorce you when it’s time. Like wow, winner lol he owns basically nothing and doesn’t respect what he does own he has no values doesn’t respect anything. Total loser oh ya and he needs *** pills to get it up lol

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