Kari Barton – Hermiston, Oregon

This isn’t my story I’ll be clear on that, but it is the story of one of my closest friends who has respect enough to not blast this homewrecker. I, however, do not mind putting it out there, in hopes to save any future marriages and small children being affected by her total lack of moral values. This woman HELPED in breaking the marriage of 12 yrs with two young children that have to see their beautiful mother trying her best to hold it together for them! I applaud my friend for the strength and dignity she has. Any man would be blessed to have this woman by his side and her cheating **** of a husband will hopefully regret it someday. These two cheaters worked together for what I recall a total of 4 yrs. Who knows how long they have been shacking up or planning to but it was within this last year that it all came to light and a beautiful family was torn apart. I don’t have much to say about her personally because I don’t know her personally (thank ***) all I know is she is part of the reason I’ve witnessed my friend go through a rollercoaster of emotion and for that I hope karma will bite her in her ****.

As for the husband, I have known him for 12 yrs. I had a spot in my heart for this POS before all this. He was a man’s man, a good dad, a seemingly good husband. When news hit, my jaw dropped, I never expected him to be this kind of guy. All marriages have their issues, he chose to walk away from his for another younger trifling “garden tool” These two just make me sick and I hope this reaches their eyes and people of the community can know how “awesome” they truly are. Hashtag: they deserve each other! ;(

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