Kalia Goodapple — Las Vegas, Nevada

Kalia Goodapple, This girl can be found at any number of hotel rooms around the Vegas/Hendo area. She’s well liked too! When I say this girl is a player, I mean this girl is the queen bee of players. Met her on a Sugar Daddy dating site where she actually pursued a conversation with me. We hit it off, chatting back and forth we seemed to have a lot in common so we set up a time to meet in person. Well we meet in person and find that she is indeed pregnant, I still pursued a relationship with her and bought her things, continually supported her. That is until I found out she was USING heroin while pregnant. And that she was sleeping with multiple men at different hotel rooms and halfway houses giving them all the same sob story that she gave me. This girl is a disgrace and doesn’t even deserve her child. Sickens me. Men stay away from this junkie/user.

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