Kaitlyn Nicholles — Canada

Kaitlyn Nicholles a.k.a Kaitlin Nicholles (changed the spelling of her name due to last post on here) claims she’s an elite upscale floozy working in Vancouver & Coquitlam. “Catfished” is the correct term to be used when actually meeting her in person. What you see here is what you get when you show up at the door. She brings clients to her own home while her kid is there and doesn’t feel any guilt about doing so or all the drugs she does around him. She fronts like she’s a good mommy to him posting all these pics of them doing stuff together, when in reality – it’s her sugar daddy’s going on trips with them taking all the photos. She’s using the system – (total welfare case) , and expects a free ride from everyone in life. Men are her number 1 victims – and btw, you’re paying for drds, not ***. The *** is wack and the vag is loose and smells like garbage. Yeast infections every week for this “elite floozy.” She claims her baby daddy gave her drds, ( who got it from her cousin that he cheated on her with ) but now denies it all when brought to her attention. She acts like she’s doing BIG things with her life … a cook , a makeup artist , yoga instructor , dancer & the list goes on … she actually buys $20 groupon courses that don’t really count in the real world. She’s an extremely lazy, oversized gummy bear who thinks she’s better than everyone else. Shes Completely crazy, she talks mad ****, causes mad drama, calls you on and then calls the COPS. She’s tries to sue people for “slander” when they cuss her out. She wanted to fight me but said she’s “gotta find a babysitter first.” LMAO she’s always on the phone with the cops, she can’t be trusted. I’m telling you right now she does everyone dirty as soon as they get close with her. Shes always bragging about being a hells angels girl and threatens to get them after you. Her famous lines have been used to many times with no action. She’s a JOKE all around. Everyone who knows who her, knows that all this info is 100% accurate. She’s the type of girl to go on here and defend herself under others’ names lol. 1 last thing, she’s legit filth. She refused to get rid of her kitty **** couch (that her kid hangs out on) she left it in there for months. She doesn’t take out the garbage and she clogged her toilet full of **** but just kept sh1tting on it over and over again for 2 weeks straight. She fights with everyone and loses friends all the time. Put this no good for nothing piece of trash on blast

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