Kacey (Elizabeth) Wellman — Columbus, Ohio

My ex spilled the dirt and I found out he cheated on me with this piece of work Kacey Wellman. HE had everything to lose (and he did but that’s a different story) but admitted (once I had already found out and confronted him) about paying this chick $100 on 10/13/2016 to sleep with her. He messaged her asking how much after finding her ad on backpage (that post has been removed but a couple others remain just google, listcrawler, eroticmonkey even backpage reviews prove this woman for what she was and denies ever being).

Facebook.com/psychoryda . He admitted that she opened the door (which I found isn’t even her “own private residence” as she posted but is her now boyfriend’s then pimp parent’ house. As of course she has never even rented a place for her own) and she led him to the room where she asked for payment, he gave her the money, and then she proceeded to take off her clothes and sit on the edge of the bed while he took his pants off and let her give him a handjob. He admits that it wasn’t enough as it “wasn’t what he went there for” (figures, a pig I know but he’s long gone) and after he got hard she got on her back and laid on the bed and allowed him to f*ck her. He claims only 8 mins went by and never came (who gives a sh*t) but the fact is this woman is a Home Wrecker. Keeps denying that it ever happened to EVERYONE claiming she was “pregnant and how could she be f**king for money while pregnant” Like you can’t f**k while you’re pregnant? Okay sure *eyeroll* (we all know that’s bullsh*t) You even have reviews on listcrawler from some of your johns who say the pics on her ads are accurate, just with less makeup. Her own current bf Roger Lewis even posted on HER Facebook page how she is and was a h*e who liked being cat called by guys because it makes her pu**y tickle. Like idk about you but when your OWN man says something about you and gets hurt about it, you know it ain’t the truth, for who knows your dirty side more than him right? If you message her she denies it all and even if you confront her in person she denies it and has her bf/ex pimp protect her just like when she was hooking so she doesn’t have to fight at all. The fact that she can’t even admit it to herself is disgusting. Like it’s one thing to do bad things and repent but this b**ch has no soul that she does bad things and denies ever doing them, with no feeling of guilt or shame whatsoever. Like ****, no shame in prostitution huh? All this was when she was strung out on pills (pregnant mind you) and even working on getting her son back from her first failed relationship. Her own stepdad doesn’t even like her and KNOWS that she does all this. ****. To a point I feel sorry for her, now she claims she has her life together and does nothing but work. Ihop and Party City are a better option than to lie on your back though so for that I guess kudos. Hope this helps keep her off her back and actually change.

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