Justine Ross — The Family Pepsi Head Pass Around

this woman is something else. She has six kids. All back to back kids… Justine Ross has two kids with her first baby dad.. one with her other babydaddys cousin. She sits there and judges everyone around her. Her third babydady is the cousin of her second child.. tried to tell everyone that her first babydady was the father to the middle kid. He was in jail while she got pregnant. She sits there and blames her first babydady for him not being around but yet there is Justine doing coke and drinking… Trying to sleep with more of her third babydadys cousins. She’s a fat c*** who needs to be put on blast! Your not the perfect person. Your not better than anyone else in this world. Hit a gym.. take better care of your six kids. Why take third babydadys three kids when you can’t even bath your own blood children. Leaving your oldest kids in charge of the baby’s. CFS don’t do **** on this woman. Thinks she’s so hot. Thinking she can get with a sexy guy, who’s not interested in you. Shake your head *****.


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