Justin Jewell — Rosewell, New Mexico

Watch out girls, this sweet talker will sweep you off your feet, and dump you when the next new pretty thing comes along. Pretends to be a good “Christian” boy, but don’t be fooled he’s nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Sure he might make you feel special, make you think he’s different from other boys, but he’s got one thing on his mind. ***! This one’s go the makings of a great con-man. From what I know first-hand and also hear he likes to pressure girls into sending him nude pictures of themselves (guess it looks like he likes to send ones too) and into providing sexual favors or sleeping with him. I don’t think this one has a faithful bone in his body. He pretended to date me for five months while trying to shack up with his ex (who was supposedly engaged to another guy). From what I hear they were successful too. He cheated on me with her, while she cheated on her fiance with him. Then a week later he is done with us and is shacking up with another girl when he moved to New Mexico to attend the New Mexico Military Institute on a baseball scholarship. The best part is I was actually dumb enough to fall for his games multiple times. After not hearing from him for five months he texts me and says he wants to be my friend again, then he immediately starts asking me to send him a “sexy nude pic.” Well, it turns out while he’s asking for nude pictures of me, he is trying to pursue a relationship with another girl at his school. Which come to find out I’m pretty sure she was underage. SICK! Then when I asked him about it he lied about telling me he was single. It gets better, because when I called him out on his cheating and the way he used me the first time he tried to justify it by saying we were never dating and just flirting. Even though I we were dating. I have hundreds of texts and Facebook messages that would prove him wrong. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself right? What’s worse is that I got sucked back in with him for the third time. He texts me saying that he and this other girl decided to be just friends and that he thinks he screwed up and just thought he loved those other girls when it was me he loved all along. Well, my bubble got burst again when I come to find out he hadn’t changed a bit. Wonder who I got dumped for this time? That’s what I get for wanting to see the best in people. Fortunately this time I didn’t give in to him and he got nothing from me. Seriously this guy is a womanizer, pathological liar, and sociopath! De He lies about his lies and doesn’t feel any remorse for it. In fact, I’m sure he will come up with something pretty convincing to weasel his way out with anyone who sees this. Some will probably believe him, but it’s the smart ones who will stay away. I feel sorry for the next fool he cons into thinking he loves them.

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