Justin Herring — Sacramento, California

This methhead/alcoholic/*** addicted/STDs carrying scumbag abandoned his wife who is pregnant on her bday and their two kids all because he couldn’t have a 3 some and got caught getting high. De he **** anything under the sun and has multiple STDs which he passed to his wife and unborn baby and two kids who he said he doesn’t care if the baby lives or dies and doesn’t live his kids anymore all within two hours of getting caught. All you chicks and dudes yes he goes both ways who have met him on MeetMe.com or Facebook dating or all the other sites yes go get tested and yes he’s still married and will be in jail for awhile. He used his wedding photo as his dating app profile what a sick pos . He’s a ***** who’s teeth aren’t real yes he will gum you d*ck to death don’t let the charm fool you you aren’t the only one he says I love you too. Beware wrap up and STDs is real he will tell you

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