Justin Gunderson — California

Flirt, Love, Block and Repeat – Justin Gunderson, a native from Germany, has a fun little game he likes to play! Justin finds girls online and flirts with them, then after a several dates he asks them to stop seeing other people. He’s not ready to settle down with a girlfriend just yet, but don’t worry! Soon he will make his decision, you just have to wait for him since he has been hurt by other girls in the past :'( . He’ll tell you he loves you, that he never expected this to happen. You’ll be the girl of his dreams! Just let him work through some sort of personal issue and he’ll be all yours!Justin stops talking to you during a late night texting session. You’ll assume he fell asleep early and text him the next day, but don’t bother with it! Justin has blocked you from ALL forms of social media and communication! That’s right ladies, it’ll be like Justin never even entered your life!

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