Junkie Criminal Eric McCrory — Tennessee

This loser is a filthy, white trash, meth head! This drug addicted scumbag stole a vehicle from a service station that had an emotional support dog, named “Lola” inside.

Eric held Lola hostage for days while trying to scam drugs. This junkie pig was also mean to Lola, because once the owner got the dog back, the dog was nervous and shaking, over the ordeal.

Eric McCrory got caught and was arrested. He belongs in jail! This worthless loser has a long criminal record and has been addicted to drugs, for years. He looks like a jobless tweaker! This dishonest piece of **** needs to be exposed for being the violent, broke ***, trailer trash, junkie that he is. This dognapping fuckw!t needs to be locked away for life, and he should be forced to go cold turkey. Eric also needs to be forced to work hard labor for being such a freeloading, thieving, *******, for so many years.

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