Julie Silock — Nottingham, United Kingdom

This woman Julie Silock doesn’t ever stop sleeping with other womens husbands. She likes to come across as all sweet, innocent and completely takes the man in with this sweeter than sugar attitude. Problem is, when they leave their wives, they end up in all sorts of ‘problems’ when they aren’t quite what they made out to be either – no money, you best be going now, I need to move on. Disgusting excuse for a human and the threats she sends the men once they go running back HOME would have you running for your life. This women will end up caught out one day and someone will take the ultimate revenge for the total carnage she leaves behind her. Hopping around the country doesn’t make people forget what you have done and it should haunt you forever… and yes, two of the ‘wives’ wrote this and decided to spare your face going on it but we found the truth to your games and stood together, all four of us.

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