Julian Van Sanders — Georgia

To your new girlfriend: I’ve been seeing Julian since January of 2018 and have been ever since. So whatever lies he tells you (because that’s all he does is lie) you can’t say no one tried to give you a clue before you got in too deep. NORMALLY I don’t waste my time to put someone on blast but this man has done so much to me that I have to let whoever cares next about this scumbag know what type of bs they just stepped into. The scary part is he doesn’t like condoms and has the nerve to be seeing someone else but sleeping with me RAW. He will claim he’s always at work.. make sure it’s not in another woman’s bed. Bottom line he can’t be trusted & at his age it is absolutely disgusting that there are still guys who would rather lie through their teeth than tell the truth that they want more than one woman. I love myself too much to continue to put myself at risk for any diseases so whoever you are good luck. You’re gonna need it, trust me.

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