Julia Chloe Thielmann — Vancouver, Canada

The Law Society had it right when they suspected she would say anything and do anyone in order to avoid the consequences of her actions or at least further herself along in life. De This beast will allow you into her life with sob stories of how her addicted sister and *** trader mother make her victim of trauma. She might even bring up how fuked up in the head her dad is but be warned, this Miller Thompson Lawyer knows exactly what she’s doing. And that is to *** over any guy she comes into contact with. Feed her dry gin martinis and you for sure gonna get laid but be warned, she will allow you to fall for her first. Julia is the epitome of Brittany Spears, Oops I did it again. No soul here. Just bad Brittany spears direction, her whole life. Run, fellas run as fast as you can. She’s gonna hurt you. She doesn’t care. Saul Joseph was a lawyer she fuked over, had no idea we were already dating when she decided my life wasn’t important anymore. Monster.

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