Juanita Magallanez — California

This b**** is VERY, VERY, bad news! She goes by the nickname “JC.” If you see her profile on any dating site DO NOT send her a message or try to get with her. She lied to me about her Facebook profile and said that she was not dating anyone, when she was actually in an “off again on again” relationship with her long time ex GF. She is a big time cheater (I found out that she and this ex girlfriend of hers were still seeing each other and having *** while she was dating me and texting me at the same time.)NEVER send her money, because she will say that she has lost it when she is actually using it to buy things for herself. She also makes up elaborate stories about her own personal life so that people can feel sorry for her. Beware of this one: She proposes to every woman after having communicated with them for just a few days, when in reality she has no intention of marrying them at all. She will promise you the stars and will tell you everything that you want to hear, when she is really just taking you along for the ride.

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