Juan Carlos Olvera — Dallas, Texas

on the lookout for this cheater! Juan Carlos Olvera of Dallas thinks he is so smooth with his cheesy lines and fancy gifts. He is a natural born liar and cheater, and he has a real weakness for young white and mexican girls with big butts. Don’t be fooled by his lies. He’s an old grandpa. He’s married with kids and grandkids all over Texas. I guess he is so good at lying because he is a dirty used car salesman that rips off women and mexicans. You can find him trolling around Mexican bars in Dallas or at his car lot in Garland and Rowlett. So disgusting that he hits on girls young enough to be his grandkid. He lies about his age. He even harasses girls at the dealership Rayo Motors. Did I mention he’s married?!? Don’t ever believe him!

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