Joseph Dell — Arizona

Joseph Dell leads many lives and travels to his many girlfriends under the guise of work travel. I thought I was in a committed relationship with him but red flags popped up left and right. I had him tracked and he carries on with multiple women, is married to a woman named Andrea who was once convicted of conspiracy to commit murder along with Joseph the two of them conspired to have her then husband killed. Joseph is a narcissist and master manipulator. He excels at gaslighting and could sell ice to an Eskimo. Joseph drains from you every bit of emotional vulnerability he can suck from you in order to validate his own severe self esteem issues. He is clever at covering up his many different lives but not clever enough. He has women in Arizona, Atlanta, Boston, and New York. Google his name in Atlanta Georgia and you will find interesting history about this man and his wife Andrea. He is dangerous and I implore all women to not get taken in by his fake charm. He seeks out attention at any and all costs. Stay away from this predator.

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