Jorge Suarez from San Leandro — California

Jorge Suarez from San Leandro, California dated a woman for over a year, claiming that he was going to move in with her and marry her. He played the part with his friends and family until his secret foreign online girlfriend found out that Jorge had a Facebook page that Jorge had denied having. On his own mother’s birthday, this woman called wanting to wish his mom a happy birthday to reveal that she was Jorge’s other girlfriend while the family was out to dinner. Jorge had been seeing this woman for 8 months and was secretly engaged to her while dating and leading on his girlfriend.Furthermore, Jorge is also guilty of flirting with and leading on a whole bunch of other angry women from locally all the way to the Phillipines. He prefers Asian women and those with big *******, especially those he meets online. He has deceived these girls, has burnt bridges with his best friends, and even continues with his chronic lies and deception.

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