Jon Lee — Sarasota, Florida

Well what can I say…I will sum it up for you, alcoholic, cheater, loves a little pepsi, fake dad to children that aren’t his…manipulative, sociopath, narcissistic, pathological lier! Yup that about sums it up! Oh say hello to Ashley Dobson for me…did you give her that 5k she earned for her services provided? She needed a **** job right??? Anyways…I digress… RED FLAGS everywhere ladies! Dont fall victim to this 51yr old balding fat man! Oh Jon, why dont you do some squats… 😉 Ladies, you’ve been warned, your a profiteering ***** if you sleep with him…only so many blue pills he can take and you will definetly be working hard! Living the good life, pretending to be the father to children he didnt bare and ignoring a child he may have 8yrs now…hmmm…maybe not the best Investment of your time or money! The truth hurts…and so does Ashley Dobsons throat…Who’s panties are these anyways? You can pick them up on siesta key!

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