John Turner – Las Vegas, Nevada

John Turner believes that he is so kind and giving , and that he is a really good friend to have. he will come to you with a story about how everyone does bad things to him, that they dont respect him . and that he does everything correct like he is a *** or something. he will thrash your house, destroy the vibe by playing his obnoxious music (and he brings a speaker into your house -no joke) he will steal all your lightbulbs and even steal from your mother. He makes up things in his head, he says that ‘he has the texts to prove it” but when he shows you the texts, you read it and everything that he said is not at all what is in the texts. He is completely delusional. every tattoo shop that he goes to work at he is a complete nightmare and when people kick him out of places, he still tries to push his way back in . why would someone try to be somewhere where they are not welcome? if you ever meet this selfish brat ; john turner, ( who drives a black charger , with no license plate -) run away from him fast!!!!!! it is like he has rabies and distemperment!!!

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