John Kresevic Arrested — JFQ Lending Inc Of Scottsdale

John Kresevic (also known as “Stinky Pinky”), lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and is the President and owner of JFQ Lending, Inc. This scumbag has a super shady past that he has tried to cover up. He has ripped off so many clients and scammed and lied to many others through his “front” called JFQ Lending Inc.

It is time to expose what John Kresevic has been trying to hide. Let’s start off with an interesting story before going into personal and business issues in future releases. Tough boy John J Kresevic paid a lot of money to newspapers and more to remove this article about him beating up a 65 year old taxi driver. The News that John Kresevic paid to be removed from the Internet:

“A scary carjacking involving a cab driver happened at Opryland, TN but police were able to outsmart the suspect. According to police, 28-year-old John Kresevic (owner of JFQ Lending Inc in Scottsdale, Arizona) refused to get out of the cab and told the driver he wanted to be taken to Arizona. A group of people were in a cab heading back to Opryland from downtown Nashville around 3 a.m. when one of the passengers allegedly started getting violent. When the driver said he could not do that, John J Kresevic allegedly grabbed him by the throat and choked him, throwing him out of the cab before taking off in the taxi. About 30 minutes later, police were able to stop the cab using its GPS system. Police said John Kresevic appeared to be drunk and high. He allegedly rambled on about zombies and told officers, “They are all dead, look behind you.” John J Kresevic of Scottsdale, Arizona is charged with DUI, carjacking and driving on a suspended license. He has since been released from jail.”

SPJ (Stinky Pinky John) is not a big tough guy that did something cool. He choked a 65 year old frail taxi driver. Chances are John “Stinky Pinky” Kresevic with JFQ Lending has screwed you in a business deal or overcharged you for a loan.

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