John Fritz (Randy Fritz) – Minnesota

John (Randy) Fritz is a serial cheater. He has a girlfriend named Dawn Tepley, whom he will never leave, because Dawn pays for a lot of his life. John is a true lowlife, masquerading around as a recovering alcoholic and drug addict (while consuming copious amounts of marijuana and meth), and has recently published a book called “Homeless Not Helpless” pretending to care about and try to help homeless people-as he was once homeless himself. John Fritz is a true loser at life in every sense of the word. He drank away his marriage and two young sons, living as a “tramp” riding railcars for the vast majority of his life. The only reason he is off the streets today is because the county pays for his apartment. He blames his drinking and drugging career on mental illness, when in all reality he is simply just a bad person. He has an excuse for everything he has ever done and continues to do, and never takes responsibility for anything. Maybe if he stopped using drugs, his medication would work properly. But, mental illness or not, he chooses to cheat on Dawn, use drugs, and treat good people like s***. The only reason he has reconciled with his two sons is they don’t actually know that John is still a drug addict, isolating in his apartment with his girlfriend and loser neighbors, and continuing to cheat on his girlfriend. John Fritz is a ****** human being. If you want to go slumming and ruin your life, then maybe he is the guy for you. If you want to avoid being a “side chick” and being treated like garbage, I urge you to run as far away as you can from him. I hope in some way I’ve been able to help another woman avoid a nightmare.

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