John Flores — London Ontario, Canada

Avoid a guy in London Ontario Canada that goes by John Flores or Juan! This dude got together with a woman last year and took advantage of her! He lied to her about being sober and kept using drugs the whole time they were together hes a classic narrsacist! He throws constant temper tantrums if you don’t buy him what he wants when he wants! He took advantage of his ex girlfriend Last year where the day before her father’s funeral he started throwing objects at her and calling her a “****” if she didn’t stop what she was doing for her dads funeral and immediately take him shopping! If she didn’t give him money pay his bills and buy him expensive stuff like clothing shoes jewelry ect…. then he blew up on her it had to constantly be his way or no way! If he doesn’t want to do something then it’s not going to happen when you’re with him your not allowed an opinion or to be upset if you are then he becomes angry and its your fault for that! On her birthday last year he threw her iPad at her and hit her in the head because she woke up and wanted to watch her TV while he was sleeping! If you looked up the word narrsacist in the dictionary his picture would be there! He stole a TV laptop and jewelry from this woman’s dead father along with close to 50k from his ex! He also has HIV and hep C and lies to his partners about having it under control and having a zero viral load! Watch out for him! He’s a meth head liar and user!

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