Joeseph R Sester — Corrupt Homewrecker

This jealous pig didn’t like being turned down for dates so he came between me and my partner. One day upon visiting, I noticed he was jerking himself off to **** with children in it. He quickly shut it off. However I was so quiet that I got to see what he was watching for almost five minutes until he turned around shutting it off. He figured out I was behind him as I sneezed. Another day, I saw him driving bye in his work car. I went the wrong way so I turned around and happened to see he had a female in back his car. And seen him tear off a 16 year olds shirt and skirt and undo himself. What came next was just gross. He rubbed his tiny wiener on her privates. I drove off. Month later at the local gas station, I caught him lifting the back of a girls skirt that 7 years old. Looked at him and saw he got a *****. Guess you can say he’s a child preditor. Scary to think what he does to his own younger one. He got a job as an internet investigator for the police in a town called Rochelle. So he’s a police officer. Shutter to think what else he does as you know those cops all lie together. There is stories how he and few of his cop buddies go into females cells and rape them. Another of a guy who hung himself in a holding cell. He has fondled my ******* in past when he had me in his car following a domestic where I was abused. No wonder his wife cheated and they divorced. He has a thing for younger women and she was alone alot. She didn’t get him about his job. He should find himself help for his tiny wiener, child *** addiction and his wild and crazy stories he made the right choice hurting minors. Boy that’s not going to sit well with his doughnut- chugging, balding, inexperienced co workers. Oh and please seek medical treatment for he has DRDS that he doesn’t like to tell who he sleeps with about. He has a few and claims it from his baseball days. What a joke of a cop. He rode a bycle with short shorts and developed a gut when moving up to obtaining a squad car. He use to be sexy before I found out about his obsession with little children. And boy did he arrest the wrong girl once in Rochelle. News fly’s fast in these small towns. He once arrested a women in a domestic. It was told from an inside scoop from another who told another that the woman was framed by the guy in the domestic. Joe was inexperienced for that call. He really should be more careful. The guy he let have custody has a conviction in another county in past for sexual abuse on a minor as well as battery. Believe the name of girl started with j. Well too late now as people say they have the couple have a child. Joe didn’t know the guy had put head to toe bruises fractures in the women year prior and spent years on and off abusing her. That is true. As well as the guy never took care his older child. He had the women. He pretty much neglected the kid as Shell gas worker found his kid in a dumpster in past. I also heard they denied her a dv shelter and couldn’t distinguish who the batterer. So Joe blamed and arrested her. Wow. He’s not very intelligent. Better luck next time as now that couples kid lost a mother as like I said news travels fast and Joe made report to dcfs and made the women blamed for what the guy did to her. The guy admitted he lied in testimony to another. Joe was just part of a scheme for a guy to get custody and apparently abuse the women legally about it. Joe couldn’t even get a Rockford IL case right in past. Maybe all the sugary doughnuts going to his brain. So he broke up a home arresting wrong perp. And is a HOMEWRECKER for doing that to that women. His evidence testimony was not true. How sad this moron will never understand what he did to others families. Too bad he was kinda sexy until I found out he did all this. What a sick and rotten person. So now a child lost a mother for the rest his ENtIRE childhood. That is what I heard to been the result of this Joe’s oh so helpful arrival. Stupid pig. In life what goes around comes around. I like that saying. It fits for this monster who doesn’t even know what he’s done to others. Maybe next year he make another quotea breaking another family up. He doesn’t even care at the end of the day. He probably doesn’t even loose a wink of sleep. Imagine a toddler loosing it’s mom for defending herself against a guy and the guy lies to cop making her guilty. You must came out of a brainless mother to make him so **** dumb. Thank you all of us appreciate knowing the town is not safer with you corrupt lying people. Maybe next time u pick up the child prediters oh that’s right you are one. Please just let the judge throw a book at you and put in prison. You liar.

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