Joelle Wiebe — Kelowna, Canada

Careful… this girl will become your friend and then bang your boyfriend. I found out later that she purposely inserted herself into my life only to get with him. Turns out she only started coming by with a mutual friend, after seeing a photo of my boyfriend (of the time) and I. She’s very calculated and manipulative in every move she makes. When I became suspicious of the affair, I’d asked her about it and she remained admit that nothing was going on and she would never do that to me. De she’d told me that she wouldn’t risk our friendship. It was all lies.. turns out they carried on an affair for about 7 months before I finally put all the peices together. Ps.. she fuked 2 of my roommates before hooking up with the boyfriend (of the time).. and hooks up with randoms on tinder every other day. Be careful with this one or wrap it up at least.

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