Joe Barnes — (may be fake)

This man called me back in November of 2014. Said his name was Joe but didn’t want to go through normal screening processes. Then he asked about my rates and tried to low ball me. My rate is 200 an hour and he wanted the hour for 100. I said no and stopped the communication. Then in June of 2015, he began contacting me again, only this time via text messages. My ad clearly states that I do not accept texts, but after doing some research and realizing it was him, I flat out refused him. Well guess what? Jackass is back at it again, harassing me via text and being a complete nuisance. Ive tried to be polite, Ive tried being blunt, Ive tried it all, but he still wont leave me alone. When I started ignoring his texts, he threatened me with bad reviews. Also, he uses a burner phone, so he is completely untraceable. Another red flag. Watch out for this one ladies!

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