Jody Knight Perfect — Edmonton, Canada

Well where to begin, I guess it would be easy to say that this individual has zero confidence while uses perfect as a self-given name … Narcissistic Meth addict, or selfish dead beat mother would be more accurate.. so if your signing up to be involved with this troll, then mental health services should be in this case something to consider. If u have had any idea what’s in store …this dirtbag would have been a good time up until she starts stalking your ex-girlfriends and friends. Oh and before I get further I should mention that her preference in most cases would be the drug dealer or gangster type ..shes got a nice reputation for getting boyfriends thrown in jail when it’s convenient. then while dudes locked up, she and her scandals mother will clean you out .and probably get some of your bros to help her pull this off, meanwhile, she been smearing your name and reputation to every and anyone …and by anyone, I mean the law enforcement….if your someone who has time to spend doing time then she’s your kind of girl …..cause she’s the reason u get arrested. then she will lie her face off about whatever she says when she rats, differently biggest squid out there. De So while you in jail u better believe she’s already found her next target and most likely be a friend of her ex or someone who has something worth using them for till she finds a way to have them locked up or clean them out ….also spreading STDs along the way..this cop calling skid …has no code of ethics and zero empathy she wouldn’t think twice before throwing u under a bus and paying the bus driver off with ********’s because shes to cheap to spend the money she made from selling off her Ex-boyfriends far the biggest goof out there.

2 thoughts on “Jody Knight Perfect — Edmonton, Canada

  1. Hahaha Jody, pretty accurate! She has two kids. Ministry got involved and now she is only allowed to see them on daily visitations or some **** and her mom has them the rest of the time. Except once the social worker leaves after the mom brings them back home
    To her place, she takes them right back to jodys. Someone needs to make it known she’s following the orders set down by the ministry. Those kids don’t stand a chance with her, find their dads!

  2. These comments are all accurate.
    She will f*ck your life up and not a care in the world on who or what gets in the way while trying to screw you over . She loves her speed and is a ****. Big time ****. She will tell u She loves you and will explain how she’s wearing something minimal or barely anything . She will use to get high or steal your wallet in your sleep. And look u in the face with the biggest story fabricated you’ve ever heard. She don’t care about calling cops actually will most likely set you up or stage a fight or attack on you and video it to give to cops of self defense against her violence .

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