Jocelyn Marie Brenner — Frasier, Florida

Jocelyn Marie Brenner-Frasier used to be my so-called “best friend.” She’s been a lot of peoples “best friend” actually, and you know what she does? Behind that fake a** little smile of hers she’ll go behind your back and suck your mans d***. Luckily, mine was faithful and didn’t go f*** her. But she sent so many messages trying so hard. She’s the nastiest hoe on the face of this Earth. Only b**** I know who f***** all of Jacksonville, Florida and Duval County. If you ever meet her, DO NOT TRUST HER. If you’re a female, she will attempt to take your boyfriend. If your a guy, you ever date her then good luck. She cheats, she lies, and tries to ruin your life if you ever leave her. One guy named Jacob (feel so sad for the poor guy) left her so Jocelyn decided to fake going to the ER Ybeing on life support. What she don’t know is you only go on life support for LIVE OR DIE SITUATIONS and she was “on it” for one day. Pathetic, right? She will do ANYTHING for attention. Did I mention yet how she raped my friend Jeff? Oh yeah, roofied his a** and raped him. She’s desperate for d***. Worst part is she is ONLY 15. Lost it at 9. Jocelyn Marie Brenner-Frasier is a DIRTY STD INFESTED S***. DO NOT TRUST HER.

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