Jim Pryal Escanaba — Michigan

At first glance Jim Pryal may seem like a confident man, after spending a short amount of time with him you will see he is self-loathing, has low self-esteem and deep-rooted insecurities. He is untrustworthy, a compulsive storyteller, a pathological liar, and greatly over-exaggerates every story he tells.

If Jim Pryal contacts you run as fast as you can, he will stalk you and make your life a living ****. Jim has to find employment and *** outside of his hometown of Escanaba because his reputation proceeds him. He has accomplished nothing in his 40+ years of being alive. When he was 27 he knocked up a strung out 16 year old junkie, he has been a half *** deadbeat dad to his daughter since the day she was born. He has defaulted on child support and allowed his daughter to live and grow up in a drug house.
Stay as far away as you can from him. He has a small ***** and a huge abusive temper. Every word he says is a lie all he wants is *** from you. He is on every Internet dating website out there . He has profiles (usually hidden) on most of the popular dating sites. He also looks for women to hook up with Instagram and Facebook.

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