Jim Brant – Canada

ladies beware…jim brant from Trenton Ontario, is nothing but a cheat and pathological liar…I was with Jim for 3 years and in that time jim would pick fights so we would break up, and he would un hide his POF account and go fishing….after a few short weeks even up to 3 months, Jim would come running back begging my forgiveness, and the last time he did this he came running back with a ring and proposal. He can convince you that you are the only woman he would ever want and need all the while he would still be looking for another. We broke up in Dec 2014, and one month later he posted a pic on his FB of a pic of him and Kimberley Sommerville saying “with the love of my life” ONE MONTH after he picked a fight with me and called me a joke. In Nov of 2014 he was begging to come back and live with me and get married in the new year. He moved in 3 times throughout our dating and moved out 3 times in the middle of the night while I was at work….real man!!! Just this past march he text me out of the blue and asked me to come down to see him and “have *** one more time and say goodbye the right way” and has since text me a few times wanting to see me…wonder if his “love of his life” knows this. He picks women from different towns so he cant get caught…port hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, etc…..he would always tell me “I prayed for a woman like you and my prayers came true” he is so full of **** it hurts… 3 years he played me and used me. He is a alcoholic and a green user daily, always high, and the party life….he has nothing to offer any woman except heartache and trouble…he lives with his older brother who is a full fledged alcoholic and blames everything on him…he uses his brother as an excuse when he gets caught lying. I strongly believe his new girl needs to know all this, but I wont be telling her as she will see it as jealousy and trust me, moved on and don’t care what he does….so ladies on dating sites…..BEWARE!!!!

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